2020 Intros

'It Must Be Cindy' (Herrington-T., 2019)

30 x 10 M Ev Re 18 buds, 5 branches .This is the best extra large daylily I have ever hybridized and a paragon of beauty. It is best described as glowing peach with cream highlights with a large bright green throat. It is named for the late Cindy Fleming, who was a great daylily friend  and even greater daylily person.Cindy had that “magic” effect that made people like her and when folks heard her talking they knew 'It Must Be Cindy.'  (Mary My Love  x  Katisue Herrington)

'Janice Kennedy' (Herrington-T., 2019)

24 x 3 3/4 Em Sev Re 24 buds, 6 branches This breathtaking cherry blossom pink with a red eye and veining has a large green throat that has stippling between the eye and throat. A very unique feature is the stippling in the midribs that breaks the plane of the eye along with the stippling next to the bottom part of the eye leading in to the throat. The darker vein in the center of the midrib is an additional component  of the overall distinctive qualities. Named for Janice Kennedy, who is a true ambassador to the daylily world and an up and coming hybridizer.  (Portrait in Green x Halloween Green)

'Just A Little Melodye' (Herrington-T., 2019)

21 x 2.5 Em D Re 21 buds, 5 branches,  Cherry red with a little darker thin eye on the petals amid darker veining. In between the  thin eye and yellow green throat is a peach blend shadow eye which extends onto the sepals. This miniature carries a tune that is musically satisfying because it is named for Melodye Campbell,  who never needed to wait a single moment before starting to improve the daylily world with her outstanding service  and love of daylilies (Grandpa`s Little Sweetheart × Little Red Dumples)

'Lana Lisa' (Herrington-H., 2019)

6.5 x 26 Em Re D Spider Petal Length 5" Petal Width 1"  Velvety black red with large, glowing green throat, 15 buds 4 way branching.  This one had to be a spider ! Because it is named for Lana Lott and Lisa Gearin, the daughters of the late Ruth Killingsworth, who loved and admired spider daylilies and was a longtime AHS and local club member. Lana and Lisa are active in helping with the daylily activities like their mother did. (Midnight in Oz x Green Inferno)

'Salad To Go' (Herrington-H., 2019)

9.5 x 34  Em Re D Spider Petal Length: 5.5" Petal Width   1.375", Imagine 9 and 1/2 inches of magnificence that is deep red with large green and maize throat with maize midribs. It has  20 buds and 4 way branching.  It's beauty  blazes on sturdy scapes, well above the foliage,  This 'salad to go' will have your  daylily taste buds craving with each bloom (Angel in Oz x sdlg)

'Virginia' (Herrington-H., 2019)

4.25 x 24 E Re Ev  The overall color sparkles in pale peach pink clarity accented  with a large patterned raspberry eye and green throat. This beauty is named for Virginia Gregory, who is a daylily connoisseur  who symbolizes all things great in our society. 21 buds and 5 way wide  branching with excellent spacing of the blooms .  Won Best seedling in Central Georgia Daylily Show in 2018. (Green Derby x One Eye Willie).

'Wild Side' (Herrington-H., 2019)

7 x 30 E Re Ev Unusual Form: Crispate-Cascade-Spatulate,  Some daylilies are too stunning and exceptional to ignore and WILD SIDE is one of them. You can now walk on the wild side as you adore this magenta and fuchsia bitone with ruffles and very large green throat, It averages 20 buds and has 4 way branching (Adventures in Oz x Color Me Happy)