Herrington Daylily Garden

We are not accepting orders at the moment, but will soon. Please enjoy our website!

Dear Daylily Friends,

It is certainly an honor to connect with you through this 2025 website. Our daylilies have met the hybridizing goals of being distinctive, having superb garden performance, being resistant to rust and containing that special knack to give you a happy feeling when you observe them. Diversity of form and size has always been one of our intentions in creating new daylilies. Please enjoy viewing our daylilies even though we are not accepting any orders this year through this website. We would like to thank the daylily world for its support of all of the Herrington daylilies over the years. We are very thankful to God for allowing us to be involved in daylily activities for 42 years for we have meet some of the most wonderful people during this time and have observed an amazing renaissance of the modern daylily. I would like to devote our association to this passage in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 - In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. My grandson Hans Herrington has his own YouTube channel now. In it he has many outstanding videos including daylilies and daylily people, in addition to humorous videos for your viewing pleasure. Click here to view channel. In 2021 he won the Lazarus Memorial Award for Best Video at the AHS National Convention in Hattiesburg, MS. It was a humorous YouTube video entitled ‘How To Prepare for a Daylily Show’. Thanks for sharing your time with Herrington Daylily Garden.