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'A.W. Shucks'

4.5 x 26 M Re D  SPIDER Ratio 4:1 Petal Width 1.25 Length 5. It is dark red purple with darker eye on recurved petals and quilled sepals surrounding a larger yellow green throat. Named for A.W. Shucks of  Cornatzer, N.C. who came out of the boondocks in Region 15 and started sharing humor with folks in the daylily world with his “Kernels of Truth” philosophy. His witty & amusing stories are still a main inspiration for me writing humor and history articles in Georgia. This will be a daylily in years to come that you don't need a name tag by it. You will know it is as A.W. SHUCKS. It is a sneaky and deceptive spider. Sometimes the tips of the sepals will turn and show a yellow color.  However it will always dazzle you just like A.W. does with his humor.

'Alabama Sweet Tee'

28 x 7 M Re Sev UNUSUAL FORM. Lilac with purple veining and a 2” green throat surrounded by yellow blending into a 3” center point of the petals and sepals. What is very unique is the stippling and/or splotching effect which makes this a classic example of a “plicata” daylily. The lilac plicata, stunning throat, and above average bud count and branching makes this daylily very distinguishing and is named for a wonderful daylily connoisseur and friend, Teri– (Tee) Money, from Headland, Alabama.

'Along Came Amanda'

26 x 4.25 Em D Re . This lavender with a purple eye zone above large green throat that extends onto the sepals and petals is loaded with distinction. It is named in honor of Amanda Jack Hotaling from Delaware. An adult now, she was an outstanding AHS youth member with a terrific love of daylilies and especially the OZ theme daylilies. I mentored her for several years as a youth in high school with the F.F.A. program and visited her garden twice in Delaware. Also, I would see her every year at the DVDS Show in Pennsylvania at Longwood Gardens where I am a member of that club and honorary member of Region 3. Getting to know her has been one of my highlights as a member of the AHS. What makes this daylily so unique is the form, color and eye pattern which all combines to create a very distinctive daylily.

'B.J. and Ed'

34 x 5.25 Em Re Sev 100% DOUBLE Dark, deep magenta wine with darker eye and edge is set off above an electric orange throat. A 30 bud count, 5 way branching and neat colors. AHS Achievement Medal in 2006; it’s truly unique & fertile.This is another one of Katisue’s enormous & stunning tet doubles! DOUBLE FAN.

'Bacon and Eggs'

3.25 x 25Ee Re Sev. This is an extraordinary golden yellow plant with a darker reddish brown eye on the sepals and petals with lighter accented midribs leading into a small yellow green throat. The bacon colored eye radiates outward in bold suffusions. Besides the distinctive eye the sepals are much wider than average which gives the bloom a 'puff effect'.

'Blackberry Cupcake'

26 x 4 E Sev Re 95% Tet DOUBLE dark purple self above a green throat. This double represents a breeding achievement in getting a very dark coloration. There is a lot going on with this unique & compact “cupcake”. Its color is very intense & the form is peony style, soothingly recurved. Fertile both ways.

'Bumbleberry Cupcake'

3.25 x 23 M Re D  DOUBLE 100% Purple with darker purple veining and edged in ivory on all segments. This 'Cupcake' is quite the feisty one! Very sharp and articulate, this little beauty is just "itchin' to be noticed.

'Butterfly Music'

'Call Me Beth'

'Call Me Crazy'

'Camphouse Belle'*

'Cherry Tomato Jubilee'

'Chickens on the Porch'

'Christmas Cupcake'

'Cotton Candy Cupcake'

'Dave Guleke'

'Double Pink Perfection'

'Elizabeth's Kentucky Cupcake'

'Everybody Loves Earnest'

'Festival of Apples'

'French Fries Best Friend'

'Fried Green Tomatoes'

'Gaudy Grasshopper'

'Golden Raintree'

'Green Bananas'

'Golden Amaryllis'

'Green Derby'

'Green Gondola'

'Green Rainbow'

'Halloween Green' (Herrington-T., 2011)

24 x 3.5 Em Re Sev This small gem is breathtakingly beautiful featuring red, orange and green colors. It is described as orange with a triangular red eye and intense green throat. In our area it rebloomed into October and will be a treat in anyone’s garden! It is very rare to find an orange and green daylily.

'Hansel and Gretel'

'Hat's Off to Sue'

'Incy Wincy Spider'

'Jack and Diane'

'Jacque's Little Spider'

'Julie Covington'

'Just for Joanne'*

'Katisue Herrington'

'Ladies from Willow Rock'

'Lime Tree Delight'

'Little Gold Nugget' (Herrington-T., 2005)

'Little Rootie Tootie'

'Lousiana Lightning'

'Meet Me in Oz'

'Midnight in Oz'

'Mighty Jim'

'My Little Tea Set'*  (Herrington-K., 2006)

24 x 4.25 Tet Em Re Sev A very round pink with a cherry red eye, green throat, gold edging and prominent light midribs. It has 25 buds; is fertile both ways & holds well in full sun.

'No Ordinary Joe' (Herrington-T., 2013)

20 x 5.5 Em Sev Re  TET 100% Double. This extraordinary double is navajo red with a darker eye that is edged in gold. The finish and substance are saturated with a rare depth of color hardly seen in double daylilies. Has some forms of cresting on the outer whorl of the 3” petals which have a purple vein in the midribs.

'Octopus Frenzy'

'One Eye Willie'

'Pea Green with Envy' (Herrington-T., 2011)

22 x 5.5 M Re D UNUSUAL FORM Keep the romance of “Gone with the Wind” alive while admiring this beauty. This flower is bound to become a classic with its huge pea green throat edged with a band of lavender fuchsia purple blend.

'Peach Cupcake'

'Pepperoni Man' (Herrington-T., 2013)

22 x 3.5 E Sev Re Seldom in a lifetime is a new daylily as thrilling as this small flower because of its intense colors, great branching, and garden showiness. It is salmon orange with a red eye and veining and a very green throat. Won an Achievement Medal in the 2013 Savannah Show. My grandson Hans named this daylily for me which is a new benchmark for color. Its beauty really is hypnotic.

'Pink Haired Lady'

'Portrait in Green'

'Raspberry Ripple Cupcake'

'Raven's Call'*

'Red Icicles'

'Refined Elegance'*

'Rhapsody in Green'

'Rich and Rikki's Sunbeam'

'Ruby Slippers of Oz'

'Ruth Killingsworth'

'Say Hello to Hans'

'Scented Sensibility'*

'Sunset in Oz'

'Tallahassee Two Step'*

'Tangerine Twirl Cupcake'

'The Horn Blows at Midnight'

'Tiffany's Tea Garden'

'Tomato Sandwich'*

'Tool Man Tim' (Herrington-H., 2014)

(Herrington-H, 2014)  25" x 2.87" E RE EV  25" x 2.87", 5 branches, 35 buds (Lollipop Kid x sdlg)  This has been a real knockout in the garden and in shows as well.   It is a light lavender with darker veining and lavender magenta eye encircled by a purple pencil eye with bright green throat.  To me, it looks even more mesmerizing at the end of the day after it has been in the full sun.  The foliage is robust and it blooms 4-5 months here.  I have crossed this daylily with some large flowers and gotten large flower seedlings with interesting patterns.  Named for my father, Tim Herrington, who  has a degree in Industrial Arts and is a talented builder.  Tool Man Tim won a 2014 Achievement Medal in the Savannah Show and was winner of best miniature in the 2015 Ogeechee Show.  Very fertile both ways.

'Triple Trouble' 

22 x 3.75 M D Re Purple with a darker eye and veining, and a green throat  The scapes are phenomenally well branched with up to six way branching and up to 40 buds. Won an Achievement Medal in the 2013 Thomson. Named for three ladies, Connie Larkin, MaryAnn Pruden, & Andrea Weaver who represent the good kind of trouble where their insights are valid contributions to the organization.

'Tutti Frutti Cupcake'

'Uncle Wiggily Longears' (Herrington-T., 2010)

30 x 7 Em Re Sev This orange 100% UNUSUAL FORM DOUBLE is named for my favorite character in the popular children stories when I grew up. The stories about Uncle Wiggily Longears were short in nature and taught the virtues of resourcefulness, honesty, and self-respect. The color is orange and the segments are elongated, slender and willowy. The center petaloids protrude and are ruffled. It is very difficult to find an orange double unusual form/spider type daylily.

'Walter on the Wild Side'* (Herrington-T., 2009)

28 x 7.1 M Re Sev Tet Named for the fictional Walter Mitty & real Walter Wall, both daring pilots. This red extra large flower has a watermark & yellow to small citron green throat with white midribs on the petals.

 'Welcome to Oz' (Herrington-

'Who Da Pop'*

'You Gotta Have Faith' (Herrington-T., 2013)

25 x 5 M D Re Cream with large banana green throat is the official description. Unofficially is has a near green appearance and you don’t need a greenhouse to set seeds on it. This daylily is a game changer for hybridizers who want the green in their large flower program. Just as Faith Bange, from Maryland, is an inspiration to her daylilies, YOU GOTTA HAVE FAITH is an inspiration to daylily growers. Won an Achievement Medal in the 2013 Middle Georgia Show.

'Yum Yum Cupcake'

24 x 5 M D Re TET 98% DOUBLE Have you ever seen a bicolor double? This type of double is VERY RARE. This bicolor has petals and petaloids that are rose red and sepals that are peach. The texture is smooth. This very unique petaloid double with a flamboyant form of course had to be one of the “cupcake” series.