"Oz" Theme Intros

'Adventures in Oz' (Herrington-H., 2014)

8 x 28 Em Re Ev UNUSUAL FORM CASCADE (Pink Haired Lady x sdlg) This lavender rose pink blend with darker mauve rose eye is incredibly attractive around a radiating green throat that spills way out onto the sepals and petals. An AWESOME PERFORMER with excellent branching, show quality thick scapes that reblooms many times. Has 5 way branching and 25 buds. Its pollen is very fertile. When you look at the mass of blooms on the plant, they look like they are dancing. Achievement Medal Winner, Best In Show winner several times and won the 2018 Georgia Hybridizers award. A massive specimen plant that proliferates like crazy. Is a hardy evergreen in northern states from reports.

'Angel in Oz'

33 x 7 M Re D UNUSUAL FORM cascade burgundy red above a huge green throat. This is a very special, beautiful, and distinctive daylily. As a seedling this flower won the coveted Best-in-Show Award at the Middle Georgia Show. Katisue was swollen with pride to have a seedling win Best-In-Show which indeed is an accomplishment in itself. Awesome is the one word that best describes this flower. Won Best UFO-Dublin Show 2009.

'Aunt Em of Oz' (Herrington-K., 2008)

33 x 7 M Re D UNUSUAL FORM cascade burgundy red above a huge green throat. This is a very special, beautiful, and distinctive daylily. As a seedling this flower won the coveted Best-in-Show Award at the Middle Georgia Show. Katisue was swollen with pride to have a seedling win Best-In-Show which indeed is an accomplishment in itself. Awesome is the one word that best describes this flower. Won Best UFO-Dublin Show 2009.

'Carnival in Oz'

'Christmas in Oz'

'Dorothy and Toto' (Herrington-K., 2004)

30 x 6 M Re Sev. From the land of OZ you will find Dorothy and Toto in the form of a special tetraploid double with ruffled petaloids. The color combination of this one is quite distinctive with a beautiful rose which radiates outward from the midribs with all edges throughout the blossom becoming a pastel rose. VERY EYE CATCHING!! The 100% double has five way branching & a bud count of 22. Georgia Hybridizers Award 2008,H.M. Award 2009,  Ida Munson Award for Best Double 2009, In Region 5 Popularity Poll 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013  Won Georgia Doubles Award at AHS National in Columbus, Ohio 2012. Winner of the 2015 Stout Silver Medal.

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'Flying Monkeys' (Herrington-K., 2008)

25 x 4 Em Re D A small UNUSUAL FORM flower that is dark red with a chartreuse green throat that has 6 way branching with 30 buds. This is a great garden and show flower which is named for the flying monkeys of “OZ” fame; these characters have taken their own place in popular culture just as this uniquely small unusual form daylily will one day. Won Best Unusual Form Thomson 2013.

'Glenda the Good Witch

'If I Only Had a Brain'

'Journey to Oz' (Herrington-K., 2003)

41 x 7 EM Re D .SPIDER 4.1 ratio (petal width of 1 5/16, a petal length of 5 ½).  Rosy red with a wine red eye & a very green throat. 4 to 5 way branching with 25 buds with ERECT scapes. Pod & pollen fertile. Winner Best Spider 4 times & Best-In-Show 2005-Middle Ga. Club. Displays a multiple bloom scape.H.M. 2004.

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'Mayor of Munchkinland'

'Meet Me in Oz'

'Memories of Oz'

'Midnight in Oz'

'Munchkin Cabbage'

'Munchkin Music'

'No Place Like Home'

'Not in Kansas Anymore'

'Ode to Oz'

'Off to See the Wizard' (Herrington-K., 2008)

33 x 5.5 M Re Sev UNUSUAL FORM CASCADE. Amethyst purple with a darker eye & white midribs. The wide throat has streaking & bleeding colors. Well-branched scapes. A WOW daylily.

'Oz's Cowardly Lion'

'Oz's Scarecrow'

'Oz's Tin Man'

'Purple Horse of Oz'

'Return to Oz' (Herrington-K., 2000)

35 x 8 M Re D Unusual form Crispate 25 buds and 5 way branching. Rose tangerine blend with rose cinnamon eye above vivid green throat. 

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'Ruby Slippers of Oz'

'Star Over Oz'

'Sunset in Oz'

'Uncle Henry of Oz'*

'Welcome to Oz'

'Wicked Witch of the West' (Herrington-K., 2012)

'Wonderful Wizard of Oz' (Herrington-H., 2012

29 x 10 M Sev Re SPIDER 1.25 x 6 ratio. This very large cardinal red spider with huge green throat is a daylily that is greater than the sum of its parts. Magnificent in a clump, the well-branched, recurrent scapes hold the giant blooms well above the foliage.  

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